Chapter Spotlight News

Chapter Spotlight: Spring 2024 Winners

Livingston High School (left); Council Rock North High School (top center); Edgewood High School (bottom center); Coral Springs High School (right).

The NEHS Chapter Spotlight project shares examples of outstanding literacy work being undertaken by chapters around the world. Categories for submission are Academic Focus; Community Engagement; Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; and Collaborative Projects. Four NEHS chapters were recognized as winners of the spring Chapter Spotlight Award. Read on to find out more about their wonderful community projects:

Social Justice Read-In and Coffeehouse at Livingston High School

The NEHS Chapter at Livingston High School, NJ, held their first annual Social Justice Read-In and Coffeehouse (SJRI) on April 12, 2024. The event sought to highlight literature from the many different cultures that make up Livingston’s rich cultural tapestry and, in doing so, promote the recognition of diverse voices, especially when such works are being banned around the country. SJRI featured booths from eight LHS cultural organizations and another eight student groups, along with steady musical entertainment from the LHS Jazz Improv Band and a group of LHS Vocalists: Jasmine Wang, Joanna Liu, and Antonia Chaparro. Alongside exploring the booths—which each highlighted a marginalized author, cultural literary movement, or diverse book—students were afterward able to perform their own written work in an Open Mic.

Book Drive at Council Rock North High School

Fifty-eight students in the National English Honor Society at Council Rock North High School, PA, displayed incredible feats of service by coming together to collect 3,254 books across all classrooms throughout the building. Whichever classroom was able to collect the most books won a free breakfast with—of course—Dunkin’ Donuts for everyone. Not only was this a successful incentive to get donations from all classrooms, but it was also a fun way for the winners to celebrate both their victory and outstanding support for the fight against education and economic inequality. All of the books collected were donated to Project HOMEbooks, a nationally recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization in Philadelphia, PA, that aims to alleviate poverty and homelessness by providing housing, medical care, and education to those in need across the area.

Community Read at Edgewood High School

It has always been the goal of the Beyond the Book NEHS chapter at Edgewood High School, CA, to foster a sense of community among students and peers. We wanted to expand our chapter activities to include not only our students, but their parents, families, and our Edgewood community. Upon the realization that parents rarely read with their children once they are grown, we wanted to bring back the love of reading between loved ones. With the help of a grant, we purchased copies of the book Dear Martin by Nic Stone to distribute to families to read together for free in the hope that it would allow families to connect in their love of literature. We were grateful to be able to create an event that so thoroughly captivated and engaged our school community through a passion for reading. The outcome of having so many members (thirty-five) of the community attend was more than we could have imagined. We hope to be able to create more events like this in the future to unify students and adults from all age ranges across our campus.

Sensory Kits at Coral Springs High School

In the months of March and April, the Coral Springs High School, FL, chapter of the National English Honor Society, with the help of the Coral Springs High School chapter of Science National Honor Society, created sensory kits for the children in the autism cluster at Ramblewood Elementary. The goal of this project was to not only create awareness for autism but also to act in supporting both the students and teachers in the autism cluster. Thirteen NEHS and SNHS members came together to organize sensory bins. Many members donated materials to support the success of the project. These bins contained themes and items that appealed to the sense of touch—for example, a farm bin made with green kinetic sand and plastic insects! We also created a bin with a space theme with cut out stars and planets as well as dyed rice for the sensory aspect of the bin. The club then packaged goodie bags for each student that contained fidget toys, coloring books, crayons, and candy for the NEHS members to deliver along with the sensory bins.

Submit your chapter’s project to the new Best Chapter Project Award in November 2024!

Past Chapter Spotlights

Danbury High School
QSI International School of Shenzhen
The Woodlands College Park High School
Socastee High School
Instituto Blaise Pascale
Livonia Churchill High School
Heritage High School
Bear Creek High School
Best-Shirey-Little Chapter

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