Category - NEHS Director

New: Bulk Upload for Membership Enrollment

We are pleased to announce that a new feature has been added to NEHS Connect. It will now be possible for Advisors to create a cvs file with information for...

Shakespearean Virtual Learning Resources

We realize during this COVID-19 crisis you are being bombarded by resources to support your efforts at distance learning. However, we thought this collection...

COVID-19 Updates

COVID-19 Impacts Continue While colleagues in the Central Office hoped to return to work May 1 and process affiliation fees, membership fees, and new chapter...

Challenging Times

As each school, district, and state deals with the health crises raging across the country, NEHS sends thoughts of care and concern to each of you. Tackling...

Supporting Virtual Chapter Communications

As each school, district, and state deals with the health crises raging across the country, NEHS sends thoughts of care and concern to each of you. Tackling...

Thank You to all Chapter Advisors

Thank you from the Central Office Staff and the NEHS Advisory Council Members: Another year draws to a close; we would be remiss if we did not send a sincere...

News Literacy Project

Supporting students as they navigate the confusion of information that comes at them so rapidly through social media is a challenge. The importance of...

Chapters Impacted by Tragedy

NEHS Chapter members, both Advisors and students alike, do amazing work each year, applying their skills and knowledge, improving the loves of others as well...

National Day on Writing Challenge

October 20 marks the 10th anniversary of the National Day on Writing, bringing a focus to the importance of crafting articulate and influential writing in all...