Category - NEHS Director

Thank you—and Farewell

As the school year draws to a close and my retirement begins, I want to take this moment to thank everyone involved in NEHS: my colleagues in the Central...

NEHS Director Position

As previously announced, Dave Wendelin will retire from his position as Director of NEHS effective May 31, 2022. While he will be helping with transition...

National Poetry Month

April is National Poetry Month, a celebration of the written word organized by the Academy of American Poets. National Poetry Month “reminds the public...

NCTE and NEHS Support Teachers

Sigma Tau Delta and NEHS have developed a growing partnership with National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE). Long a support for English teachers and...

Book Challenges and Censorship Issues

As English educators and as mentors of student members of NEHS, many of us likely are recoiling at the increase in vehement opposition to the inclusion of...

Thank You!

As this school year draws to a close, the staff in the Central Office and the NEHS Advisory Council send a heartfelt thank you for all you have done leading...

NEHS Supports the AAPI Community

This spring, America has once again unhappily witnessed yet another outbreak of cultural deprecation and anti-diversity violence. Recent news of the shameful...

A Note of Gratitude

In spite of the challenges triggered by COVID-19, a majority of NEHS chapters have been able to pay their annual affiliation fees; while NEHS, like most...

Black Lives (and Stories) Matter

Diane Steinberg, President of Sigma Tau Delta, the sponsoring partner of NEHS, has issued this statement on racism on behalf of the the full organization...

From the Desk of the Director—May 2020

We are pleased to announce the appointment of Jessica McCole, Heritage High School, Ringgold, GA, as a new Southern Region Advisory Council members. Ms. McCole...