Category - Events

Speed Debating Poe’s Mysterious Death

The Cardinal Chapter at Chippewa Falls Senior High School recently held a Halloween-themed engaging and educational literary activity. Using an article from...

Writing Opportunities

The new Poetry Challenge has launched; NEHS members, both students and Advisors, are encouraged to submit original poetry each month based on a list of chosen...

Black History Month

As mentioned in the January 15 NEHSXpress, the African American Read-In, promoted by National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE), has become an integral...

African American Read-In

February is Black History Month; for many educators, infusing the whole year of teaching and learning with culturally rich activities and texts, NEHS chapters...

National Day on Writing

October dawns with the change of seasons for most parts of the country, a cooling of temperatures and changing of colors as we move into the last quarter of...

How to Serve Books With Cookies

For our annual Holiday Literacy Celebration this year, Saint Mary’s Hall‘s National English Honor Society chapter, the Charles Dickens Chapter...