Author - kmudd

Student Membership Fee

The NEHS student membership fee is $15. The fee remains a “one-time” fee regardless of when members are inducted. These funds, along with chartering fees...

NEHS Updates

NEHSXpress has been published monthly over the summer. This edition is the last of those publications; starting August 31, NEHSXpress will resume with regular...

Chapter Contact Information

If there will be changes to the Lead Advisor for the upcoming school year, please make sure to amend the information in NEHS Connect so correspondence is sent...

Poetry Contest Poets of the Year

This year’s return to the Poetry Contest, encouraging members and Advisors to submit poems centered on various themes, was even more popular than it was...

Thank you—and Farewell

As the school year draws to a close and my retirement begins, I want to take this moment to thank everyone involved in NEHS: my colleagues in the Central...

Poetry Contest Winners

Congratulations to the “Poets of the Year” whose entries were selected as the best submissions of the year. We have been thrilled with the level of...

Advisor Grant Given

NEHS is pleased to announce that Cole Ross, Chapter Advisor at Etowah High School, Woodstock, GA, has been awarded a grant of $350 to attend the National...

Year-End Awards

We are pleased to announce the 2021-2022 awards and recognitions that bring this school year to a close. NEHS Outstanding Chapter Award The Outstanding Chapter...

The Central Office is Moving

After many years in our current location, the NEHS/Sigma Tau Delta Central Office is moving back onto the Northern Illinois University campus. We will have...