Author - kmudd

COVID-19 Updates

COVID-19 Impacts Continue While colleagues in the Central Office hoped to return to work May 1 and process affiliation fees, membership fees, and new chapter...

2021 Common Reader Selected

After considering a long list of books recommended by many NEHS Advisors, the Advisory Council has selected The Nickel Boys, award-winning novel by Colson...

Scholarship Awards

NEHS members and their Advisors have been notified of the results for Merit and/or Collegiate scholarships. A total of 50 scholarships totaling $66,000 will be...

Poetry Challenge

The Poetry Challenge submissions for April have arrived and are currently being read. In May, the Advisory Council will review all of the monthly...

Challenging Times

As each school, district, and state deals with the health crises raging across the country, NEHS sends thoughts of care and concern to each of you. Tackling...

Supporting Virtual Chapter Communications

As each school, district, and state deals with the health crises raging across the country, NEHS sends thoughts of care and concern to each of you. Tackling...

Advisory Council Meeting in Las Vegas

The NEHS Advisory Council will be meeting during the Sigma Tau Delta International Convention in Las Vegas in late March. During that time, final scholarship...

Summer Study Awards

NEHS members who are currently juniors in active chapters are eligible to apply for a limited number of financial awards of up to $750 to help defray costs for...