Author - kmudd

Books are Our Passports to the World

Reading one book can transport a child on a trip around the entire world. Reading one book can allow a child to explore a new and fresh perspective on life...

Pandemic Spring Anthology Release

The National English Honor Society (NEHS) chapter in Oaxaca, Mexico, based at Instituto Blaise Pascale, has developed and led a ground-breaking literary...

A Note of Gratitude

In spite of the challenges triggered by COVID-19, a majority of NEHS chapters have been able to pay their annual affiliation fees; while NEHS, like most...

Save Time with Enrollment Bulk Upload

A reminder of a new feature added to NEHS Connect. Advisors may now create a spreadsheet, entering all of the information for new members in one document and...

Flash Fiction Writing Challenge

Encouraged by the tremendous participation of NEHS members and Advisors in the Poetry Challenge last year, we are in the midst of planning for a new writing...