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College Board Publishes “What AP Stands For”

In response to recent and on-going challenges to book selection, curricular design, and teacher expertise, the College Board has released key principles to support academic freedom. Of particular note is the following statement in the third principle:

AP opposes censorship
“If a school bans required topics from their AP courses, the AP program removes the AP designation from that course and its inclusion in the AP Course Ledger provided to colleges and universities.”

Such action may impact many NEHS members enrolled in AP courses. College Board states, “The AP Program encourages educators to review these principles with parents and students so they know what to expect in an AP course. Advanced Placement is always a choice, and it should be an informed one. AP teachers should be given the confidence and clarity that once parents have enrolled their child in an AP course, they have agreed to a classroom experience that embodies these principles.”

Review the College Board’s “What AP Stands For” to read all seven principles.

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