Category - Chapter Advisors

Chapter Advisor Grant Winners

NEHS was very happy to award a range of grants to Chapter Advisors in the Spring Awards Cycle. These grants included the new Chapter Advisor Enrichment Grant...

Chapter Advisor Enrichment Grant

Interested in giving your students a unique glimpse opportunity to engage with the texts you teach? If so, the NEHS Chapter Advisor Enrichment Grant is for you...

2024 Outstanding Advisor: Justin Hitchcock

This year’s winner of the John L. Manear Outstanding Advisor Award is Justin Hitchcock, Chapter Advisor for the Danbury Hatters NEHS chapter at Danbury...

Enrolling Students on NEHS Connect

We would like to remind Chapter Advisors of the utmost importance of enrolling student members on NEHS Connect. Enrollment and payment of student membership...

Winter Award Cycle

In its winter awards cycle, NEHS is offering a range of opportunities for both student members and Chapter Advisors to participate and gain recognition for...

NEHS Affiliation Fee Invoices

Chapter Advisors requiring invoices (including an invoice number) in order for their school to make annual affiliation fee payments can generate these by...

Stipends for Chapter Advisors

Many Chapter Advisors have been successful in requesting and receiving stipends from their schools and/or school districts to support the valuable work they do...