Meet the Advisory Council

Meet David Hebestreit

As a member of the National English Honor Society’s Advisory Council, David Hebestreit works with many like-minded individuals who love language and literature and writing as much as he does! It’s a gig he stumbled into, like most good things in his life. He is open to experience and the world. David has been lucky enough to see the people and culture of forty-eight countries. He has taught ELA at Livonia Churchill High School for twenty-five years and Composition at Madonna University for seven years as an adjunct. When he grows up, he hopes to become a full time professor.

  1. I chose to become an English Major because I loved to read and write when I was a teenager.
  2. My favorite part of being an English Major is exploring the whitespaces of everything.
  3. The last book I read was The Beginning of Everything by Robyn Schneider.
  4. My favorite book is Ishmael by Daniel Quinn.
  5. A book character I identify with is Montag from Ray Bradbury‘s Fahrenheit 451.Book on Fire
  6. The last book I bought was The Beginning of Everything by Robyn Schneider and I have read it.
  7. My favorite book to movie adaptation is The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.
  8. I’m equally a reader and a writer.
  9. My favorite style of writing is creative nonfiction.
  10. My go-to children’s book is Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendak.
  11. My favorite childhood memory is riding BMX bikes at the neighborhood track that we built.
  12. Growing up, I was sure I would be a truck driver.
  13. My first job was as a cook.
  14. My dream job is food truck owner.
  15. I like to spend my free time sailing.

    David on a Sailing Adventure
  16. The destination at the top of my travel bucket list is Morocco.
  17. The literary place I’d most like to visit is Walden Pond.
  18. If I could move anywhere in the world, I’d live in Maine or the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
  19. If I was stranded on a desert island, the three things I would bring with me are The Road by Cormac McCarthy, strawberries, and my first generation iPod.
  20. The one song I could listen to on repeat is Nothing Else” by Angus & Julia Stone.
  21. The best gift I ever received was the gift of life via a heart transplant in 2006.
  22. The best gift I’ve ever given is a Bottle Rocket movie poster.Bottle Rocket Movie Poster
  23. If you find me in the kitchen, I’m typically whipping up the world’s best BLT.
  24. If I could try any food from a book or series, it would be the can of Coke from The Road by Cormac McCarthy.
  25. The author (dead or alive) I’d most like to spend a day with is Dean Bakopoulos.

    David Hebestreit